Welcome to the daily Ultimate Love recap. Ultimate Love is the hottest reality show in town, and we’ll be giving you a recap of all the drama, the awwns and the ehyas. Stick around!
The Ultimate Guests got paired officially some days back and it’s been crazy. Some couples are serving us serious couple goals, while some make us want to cancel the entire marriage institution. Whether the present pairings will last till the end of the show, or Aunty will decide to swap them, these are the couples to look out for and the ones you should not worry about.
The ones that are bursting our heads
Theresa & Iyke (Iykeresa): It goes without saying that these two are the couple every couple in the house want to be. The cute and aww moments aside, they’ve been together since their first speed date, and even when Theresa wasn’t sure about him and his intention, Iyke kept showing up and showing off. A man that’s consistent and backs his words with actions? We have no choice but to ship.

Jay and Nkechi (JAYKECH): Not a lot of us are happy that Nkechi and Jay are together (some of us wanted Nkechi and Jerry) but the couple are happy to be together, and that’s all that matters. Jay was always open about his top choice in the house, and he politely turned down others. Nkechi on the other hand likes to be chased and uncle Jay was up to the task.

Louis and Jenny Koko (Jelo): Remember that JennyKoko likes her men way older? Well Louis is older — the kind of age difference Jenny is used to and Jenny is feeling the guy like mad. Louis told her she was his second choice and she was okay with that. I wasn’t so sure about this before but I might have to stan, at the rate these two are going. They’re getting to know each other each passing day and the ship is sailing very peacefully.

The ones we think you should cancel:
Jerry and Sylvia (JERVIA): Sigh! Jerry acts like he’s being forced to babysit his little niece, as opposed to clubbing with friends. Sylvia is putting in all the effort but Jerry is largely unmoved. We know they decided to couple up so they can both remain in the Love Pad, but the way Jerry is locking up for Sylvia does not have part two. May God provide a boo for Sylvia oh.

Bolanle and Arnold (Bolar): Bolanle is so into Arnold, but sadly, the feeling is not mutual. Poor girl. Arnold is going around telling other Love Guests why he doenst like Bolanle, but will he speak to her? No. Bolanle doesn’t care sha. That one thinks she’s in her husband’s house already sef.

Kachi and Rosie (Roksie): These two once had potential, but after Rosie spent 24 hrs with David, she settled for David, but David moved on to someone else and left Rosie’s heart shattered. The more Kachi pushes, the more Rosie gets irritated. Rosie needs time, but most importantly, she wants her David back.