Papa Ajasco, the classic Nigerian comedy TV show that first aired in 1996, is coming back to your screens. The popular show, produced by Wale Adenuga Productions, is getting a reboot for the Gen Z audience. As the OG Papa Ajasco catered to Gen X and their millennial children, the remake is being marketed for a Gen Z audience, and it’ll be known simply as Gen Z Papi.

The producer of Gen Z Papi is Wale Adenuga Jr, not his dad, the Wale Adenuga who produced the OG show. The Jr is also the managing director of the Wale Adenuga Productions company.

The Papa Ajasco, AKA Gen Z Papi, is an Afrobeats superstar who’s beefing another artist called Emperor Agu. This is lowkey giving Wizkid and Davido, but…okay. From October 15, 2024, Gen Z Papi will begin airing on YouTube every week.

The show will feature Biodun Ayoyinka (Papa Ajasco), Mojisola Oyetayo (Mama Ajasco), Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James), Victor Ouebode (Boy Alinco) and many more.

This is what Nigerians are saying about Gen Z Papi:

Is the reboot unnecessary?

Can’t you let Aunty Jenifa be on her own?

Do you think Papa Ajasco should wrap it up?

Some optimism, at las

So, fuck the Gen Z?

Netflix, get Pa Ajasco on the phone!

Do you agree with this brother?


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