Did you eat mathematics for fun in primary school?
Take the quiz:
This is a question
How many weeks make one year?
Counting in 5's 50, 55, 60
Write in figure - Fifty thousand, five hundred and four
An octagon has how many sides and angles?
2/6 =
Select the odd numbers here: 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 33
____ has all equal sides
A week has seven days, how many days are in five weeks?
1 liter makes ______
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Now that you're here, can you help us calculate how long it will take Naira to zazoo like Dollars and Pounds?
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This score was a struggle for you, but E for Effort.
You got #{score}/#{total}
Please, do your kids a huge favour; marry someone who can help them with their math assignments.