Nigeria’s national grid has done what it does best: collapse. But you know how they say there’s a silver lining behind a dark cloud? Well, now’s your chance to show the LOYL how you can be the halogen lamp in the darkness that threatens to swallow them.

Play shadow puppets

8 Romantic Things To Try With Your Partner When There’s No Light

It’s simple. Shine a torch on the wall, and y’all can create all sorts of unhinged shadow shapes. Who needs to pay for an expensive silhouette art when you have this DIY option?

A candle-lit dinner

8 Romantic Things To Try With Your Partner When There’s No Light

Cooking in the dark might stress and make you swear at PHCN from the bottom of your heart, but it’ll all be worth it when your bae crumbles into your hands at the sight of candles, flowers and a romantic meal on the dining table. 

Go stargazing

This one works better at night when y’all are having a hard time going to bed because the room is stuffy and hot AF. Grab a blanket, lie outside with the LOYL and let mosquitoes whisper sweet nothings in your ears. Just don’t ruin it by bringing a mosquito net.

Or stay inside for genital tluf tluf

8 Romantic Things To Try With Your Partner When There’s No Light

True OGs know the best sex happens when the weather is hot AF and bodily fluids flow like water. The house might smell funky afterwards,  but hey, at least you’ll save your lubricant for another day. 

Play ojuju calabar

8 Romantic Things To Try With Your Partner When There’s No Light

Listen, hide and seek in the dark slaps like mad. Y’all might bump heads against walls and furniture, but there’s also a high chance of tripping into an unplanned quickie. And we know those are the absolute best!

Do tales by moonlight 

Picture this: you and your partner snuggled under the moonlight, sharing nostalgic tortoise stories from childhood. Sweet, right?

Roast something to eat

There’s no better bonding activity in the afternoon when the no-light situation can really bore y’all to death. Go outside and show the LOYL you could have been a badass boli or agbado seller in another life. 


Because what even is the point of staying awake when you and the LOYL can enjoy all the electricity you want in dreamland? Just make sure you are in the same bed.

Read this next: Interview With NEPA: “The National Grid Is Resting. You Should Too.”


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.