Like all good things, your relationship with the love of your life has come to an end, and you must now move on with your life. It won’t be easy, but we know how you can do it.


You’ve spent years loving and planning your life with this person, so if you can, we suggest you go back to them and make it work. 

Talk to someone

Talk to your mother or your best friend about all the ways your ex wronged you. This way, even if they’re begging you to come back or, for some reason, you decide to go back to them, the people in your life will hold you down and make sure you stay away.

Get busy

If you have capitalism to take up all your time, you won’t sit around thinking about your ex and the love you once shared. 

Get a hobby

If your job isn’t taking up all your time and you find yourself thinking about you know who, we suggest you find a hobby. Because an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, thoughts about your ex can only be from him.

READ: QUIZ: Will You Ever Get Over That Ex

Block them

You’re not blocking them for your sake but for theirs. You’ll need to sub them every other day and talk about how you must have been a fool to stay with them for so long. 

Move to a new city 

A new city, or neighborhood, just make sure your new house is located in an area with a 0% chance of them ever bumping into you.

Get someone new 

Find someone new, not for love though, just for sex or maybe companionship, because why are you trying to tie yourself down five seconds after gaining freedom? 

Beg your village people

Go back to your village and beg your village people to unleash their powers and help you forget about your ex.

ALSO READ: Here’s How to Get That Ex Back For Good


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.