Just because you’ve met someone you like and vibe with doesn’t automatically mean you’re now dating them, but these signs definitely mean the feelings are mutual and you’re about to become a girlfriend.

They’re unavailable

They’re always ready to shout from the rooftops that they’re no longer looking for a special someone and have found all they’ll ever need in your arms.

They start to speak French

For some reason, when people like you, they start speaking French, saying things like “we” when talking about their baby, and broadcasting to the entire universe that they now have a cohort. If the chicken in your pack of small chops does this, congratulations—your single days are coming to an end.

They remember everything you say

Either they have a photographic memory or are down bad for you. Either way, the person you’re talking to remembering and hanging on to your every word is sweet, and they want you to be theirs so bad.

You can’t stop thinking about them

Look at it this way: If you can’t stop thinking about them, chances are they can’t stop thinking about you.

You’re a part of all their plans

At this point, everyone thinks you and your baby are twins. They’re always thinking of you and involving you in all their plans—even the ones you don’t really care for. 

They become extra sweet

If they suddenly become sweet enough to induce diabetes, showering you with gifts and lovely gestures, you’re about to leave these muddy streets.

They start talking about relationships

You both could be talking about the fact that fuel is now ₦1,300, and they’ll manage to slip in what they want in a relationship and how you’re their perfect match.

Ps: These signs could also mean they think you’re already their girlfriend, so stay vigilant.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.