Catching feelings for a friend can be annoying, but it happens. If your heart skips a beat when you’re around your friend, and you can no longer ignore how their laughter brightens up your day, stick with us, and we’ll tell you how you can escape the friend zone. 

Understand that the friend zone isn’t your fault

Just because you’ve been thrown in there doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you that has made the potential love of your life stay away. It might just mean they’re not ready for what you have to offer, or they have someone else, and that’s fine.

Give them space

Not too much space that they start doubting if the friendship was simply a figment of their imagination, but just enough for them to miss you a little bit and see that life without you is shit, like the Nigeria of today, but on steroids.

Show them how you feel 

We know you’re a great person and you show up for your friends when they need you, but we’re talking romantic feelings here. If you want them to stop seeing you as their nice friend and start seeing you as a potential partner, you need to wear your adult pants and show them that they’re the best thing since Mr. Biggs.

Tell them

How would they know that your feelings have gone from “aww, cute”, to “aww, cute” but with heart eyes, if you don’t actually open your mouth and say something. 

Get more physical

We’re not saying be a creep and make them run for the hills, try the light things, like holding their hand, hugging them, anything that isn’t inappropriate and downright creepy.

Pull out all the stops

At this point, you’ve left your friend hat at the door, and you’re now fully wooing them. Nothing’s too big or small for the one your heart beats for. So, flirt with them, appear the second they think about you, make grand gestures. Just make sure you wipe away any doubt that the feelings you have might be passing or worse, a lie.

Accept defeat

You’ve tried your best and we know your heart was already invested in the potential relationship, but if your friend tells you they just want to be friends, then open your ears, listen and accept defeat.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.